Self-Defense Tactics: Street Justice & COVID-19


before heading out / Prep

1. BASIC BODILY PROTECTION TO KEEP ON YOUR PERSON: COVID mask, vinegar, eye protection, sturdy shoes, hand sanny, emergency contact numbers written on your body, and a bandana are the bare minimum.

2. IF YOU CHOOSE TO CARRY A SELF-DEFENSE WEAPON, KNOW HOW TO USE IT (remember this can be used against you - knives look cool, sure, but what will you do if it’s taken and used against you?

3. STRATEGIZE: Consider your comfort level of involvement, be clear on your boundaries (what are you willing to stand by? how involved will you be?), review your exit plan, think about what you would do if separated from your buds.


1. USE YOUR SENSES TO STAY AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS - (eyes: scan for exits, weapons, allies, smell: chemicals, burning, listen for: changes in crowd’s tone, escalation, warnings, etc.)

2. IF YOU MUST GO ALONE, BIKE if possible so you can be as mobile as possible (bonus: U-locks make a great weapon)

3. MENTAL CLARITY is a helpful tool in practicing safety. If you feel overwhelmed, take 3 deep mindful breaths. Repeat something to yourself such as "No justice, no peace, I am ok. We are together." Whatever works for you.

4. YOU HAVE PERMISSION TO LEAVE AT ANY TIME if the march crosses your personal safety boundary and you feel unsafe.


READY STANCE - weight is balanced between both legs - stand with a few feet apart so if someone shoves you, you won’t tip over

GUARD- protect your face and core by putting your hands in fists above your ears glued to your head, and elbows to your chest to protect your core (WS calls this ‘boobs and binoculars’)

EARBOX - clap over the ears to disorient

EYE GOUGE - thumbs directly into eyes - pour their head back like its a can of paint

Always use hard targets against soft surfaces - elbow to nose, elbow to throat, heel of foot to groin, knee to kidneys. These tactics are brutal but much more effective than trying to fist fight. if this is all u take away, great.

ELBOW - use the pointy bony prominence of the elbow for destruction. Nearly fail-proof. Drive force from ur hips.

PUSH-KICK - keep ppl away by acting like your leg is a knife. Fire it up ½ way lean back, balanced feets shoulder width the part, and push through them with your heel like a knife

SWEEP - (advanced) the ‘bus driver’ kick out the closest foot to you by sweeping your closest foot in between their legs - use your arms to ‘turn the bus’ pushing/directing their body weight AWAY from you

KNEE - (moderate) make sure you are balanced, get up on your rear toe, point your knee act like you’re sharpening it in a pencil sharpener - really you are smashing someones kidneys - hold onto their shoulder for leverage, drive hips

If you fall or get shoved to the ground -YOU DON'T WANT TO BE FACE FIRST like a starfish, get on your back.

SELF-DEFENSE TACTICS / on the ground


wiggle and spin to get in a better position - put your arms down and 'run' around (google ''shrimping'')

BUCK YOUR HIPS up by using your booty strength to knock your opponent off balance. their weight will generally shift above you- you can then pin one arm and turn your body weight away from them; or for a power sequence: ear box, buck, pin, and turn

--->if you forget all of this, it's ok. just remember: kick & use hammer style fists to the groin.

Record anyone being violent / threatening towards you.

Thanks for reading this, bad asses.

Thanks for showing up.
