
Our Principles

Warrior Sisters provides free self-defense training in safe environment free from oppression. Our programs center Participants as the experts of their minds and bodies. We believe you.

Warrior Sisters Trainings are



Warrior Sisters trainings provide a comprehensive range of tools for gaining confidence, asserting boundaries, and staying safe in everyday situations. Our trainings are not just martial arts; practice includes verbal boundary setting, de-escalation and, nonviolent communication in addition to a range of physical self-defense techniques. We recognize that self-defense is more than just physically defending yourself; it is also asserting boundaries, communicating your needs and navigating the world with confidence . 


Judgement Free

We believe that no one deserves, invites, or “asks” to be harassed or assaulted regardless of their personal choices, clothing choice, sexual history, or any other factor. We reject the victim-blaming idea that anyone deserves to be assaulted, or that their actions or inactions make them responsible for an assault. We also believe that any choice someone makes in a self defense situation is a valid choice. Whether a person chooses not to defend themselves or is rendered incapable of acting in their own defense, an assault is never their fault. We do not pass judgement on our participants for their actions or inactions. The only person at fault for an assault is the perpetrator.



We believe in training that expands options rather than limiting them. Our self defense trainings provide participants with a wide variety of tools for defending their personal safety and security and trust that participants can choose which tools are best to use in their lives.We do not promote self defense frameworks that tell participants what they can and cannot do (i.e. don't go out at night alone, don't carry a purse, etc.). We believe that your decision for how best to keep yourself safe should always lie with you.



We believe that strong communities are a vital element of personal empowerment and violence prevention. We believe that all oppressed people deserve training that is geared toward their experiences living with a marginalized identity in our society. We are dedicated to building strong and diverse communities through discussion, sharing of stories, mutual support, and respect. 

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We believe that training should prioritize the needs of those who are at an even higher risk of violence. We commit to prioritizing our services to BIPOC community members, the LGBTQIA+ community, and women. We actively seek to dismantle systems of oppression and empower those who are further marginalized by racism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, and other systemic forms of patriarchy and capitalism.



We believe that self-defense training should be useful and accessible to participants regardless of economic status, prior experience, fitness level, body type, ability or disability. All WS chapters and trainers are required to prioritize trainings that are free of cost and open to the public. Our trainers are also always ready to adapt our curriculum to the needs of participants. Beginners are always welcome and prioritized, and no participant will ever be singled out or made to feel inadequate for their body or ability level.

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Trauma Informed

We believe that self-defense training should not only take into account, but actively prioritize the needs of those who have experienced trauma. Every Warrior Sisters training begins with a reminder that no participant is required or expected to do anything that is uncomfortable for them, and that each participant can step back, pass, or take a break at any point.



We ask only for the information about you that you're comfortable giving us. Anything and everything you share in class will be considered confidential by our trainers.